Photo Credits

The photos on this site are not in the public domain and are subject to the rules governing copyright. They may not be copied or published without express permission from the company M&D Smart Factory and the owners of the copyright.

Summer in the lofoten

Montain and country side...


Sea and fjords...

Human marks in the landscape...

The Lofoten Island Flora (Norway)

Hiking in the Lofoten


Any representation whether total or partial of this site or content (general structure, texts, sound, logos, images whether animated or otherwise), by any method whatsoever, without the authors express prior approval is prohibited and constitutes infringement sanctioned by the Intellectual Property Code. The GPX tracks that can be downloaded on this website, bellong to hiking-lofoten and is for a private use only (not for commercial use). In order to reproduce the tracks in any form or on any medium (paper, digital, website, etc.), we ask you to mention the following (under or on the map): GPX track ©