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 Thu Apr 18, 2024, 7:52 pm
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I am planning a trip to the Lofoten Islands this summer and would like to hike for two weeks, I've read a lot on this site and there are too many hikes to choose from! What are your favourite hikes, or which are "can't miss" and spectacular? Here's what I've picked so far but I'm not sure if the choices are good. Vous pouvez repondre en francais, je comprend bien mais j'ecris tres mal :) Thanks! Merci!

1. Munken Peak

2. Hermannsdalstinden

3. Reinebringen + Helvete

4. Ryten + Kvalvika Beach

5. Helvetestinden + Bunes Beach

6. Markan Peak + Horseid Beach

7. Vaeroy Island, either Hornet or Mahornet peaks

Husfjellet peak on Senja, Justadtinden on Vestvagoy, or Stornappstinden on Flaksadoy.. not sure which we should prioritize, if any?

2 0
Tue Dec 16, 2014, 3:12 pm

1. Munken Peak

2. Hermannsdalstinden

3. Reinebringen + Helvete

4. Ryten + Kvalvika Beach

5. Helvetestinden + Bunes Beach

6. Markan Peak + Horseid Beach

7. Vaeroy Island, either Hornet or Mahornet peaks

Husfjellet peak on Senja, Justadtinden on Vestvagoy, or Stornappstinden on Flaksadoy.. not sure which we should prioritize, if any?

I think it all depends on the weather once you are on the Lofoten. Somme of the walks can be done even if it is wet or raining, and some others should only be done in good weather conditions (Hermanndalstinden, Helvetestinden/Brunakseltinden, etc).

Telling you what is nice or not is a little subjective, it depends of what you like and your physical conditions.

For my part I like very much Munkan, Hermanndalstinden is nice too (but much harder for a less interesting view at the top, that is my personal opinion).

Kvalvika is a classic, very nice, but quite many people in the “peak season”.

You cannot connect the walks Helvete and Reinebringen without a pair of wings ;)

To reach the top of Helvete you will need to go down from Reinebringen, back to the starting point, and follow the road E10 until you reach the bridge of Djupfjord. The “path” starts there.

I like very much Stornappstinden on Flakstadoya.

You will probably get some more advieces, to help you in making a choice...

I wish you a nice trip in the Lofoten! And some nice walks!


113 0
Tue Apr 16, 2013, 12:24 pm

Thanks, we are avid hikers and are used to hiking and scrambling in the Alps between 1000-1500m per day so I don’t think anything in Lofoten will be a problem. And while I know everything is subjective, I would like to know what people’s favourites are because otherwise I’m essentially picking hikes at random which is certainly no better :) I don’t care about crowds if the view is beautiful.

So Hermannsdalstinden, Reinebringen, Helvete, and Munken are all very close to each other, how would you rank these in terms of views? Is it worth doing all 4 or given that we only have two weeks should we drop some of these in favour of exploring other areas?

And we’re not sure if we would do all of our hiking as day trips, or camping.. it seems the weather can be quite foul even in July so we’re still debating that one. If we were to camp, are there any spots anyone especially recommends?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

2 0
Tue Dec 16, 2014, 3:12 pm
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries.


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