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 Sat Apr 20, 2024, 1:39 am
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Hi everyone,

I will spend 2 days and a half in the Lofoten at the end of the week, and I would like to know which iconic places and hiking itineraries I should do. I precise that I have a car to move on site and that I am practicing trailrunning very often.

Thank you in advance for your tips and good plans.


1 0
Tue Aug 18, 2015, 2:12 pm

Hi Kevin,

We just came one week ago from Lofoten. All are very beautiful places!!! The most beautiful part is definitely Moskenes/Sørvågen - Munkebu Hut - Hill 448 - Hermanndalstinden - Forsfjord - Vindstad - Bunes beach. Check the ferry timetable from Reine to/from Vindstad and Forsfjord.

They say it's easier to do it like start from Reine, take the ferry to Vindstad walk to/back from Bunes Beach, then ferry to Forsfjord and walk up to Hermanndalstinden and then further to Munkebu -> Moskenes/Sørvågen. We did it with heavy backpacks from Moskenes to Bunes beach (start saturday morning via Munkebu Hut and nigh at Hill448, sunday up to Hermanndalstinden and further to Bunes, monday morning hanging around Bunes = 2,5 days). At Bunes you can also hike that Helvetestinden!

After that we took ferry to Reine and continued with ferry to Kjerkfjord - Horseid beach - Selfjord - Kvalvika. And then the next day from Kvalvika to Ryten and forward to Fredvang and Ramberg. This part wasn't so beautiful than the first part in the South of Moskenes island (around Hermanndalstinden) so I definitely recommend the first part! Bunes beach was way more beautiful than Kvalvika!

Hope this gives you some ideas! :)




Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries.


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