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 Wed Apr 24, 2024, 6:56 am
 5  73703
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries.

Hi everyone,

I am rather new on this forum and I have had a look over all the previous subjects concerning hiking and tours around the lofoten, but I still need some advice.

I am planning to go to the Lofoten Islands with my brother on the 16th of October at 05:55am and to go back on the 21st of October at 9:40pm. Then, we have 6 days for a tour in the lofoten islands since we arrive early and we leave late.

We are in a good shape and would like to have some hiking trips with nice views of course.

The thing is that since we are leaving on october, I don't really know if all hikings are doable at this time?

Could I get a piece of advice on what would be the best hiking that we can do at this period?

I've also heard about kayaking trips for a day in the lofoten, do you think it is worth it? Especially when we only stay 6 days?

I have to precise that we will have a car during the week.

Thank you in advance for your help !


4 0
Tue Sep 22, 2015, 10:11 pm

Hello again,

The trip is coming soon and I have selected 14 hikings to be made on 6 days so I have to delete 8 others !

My selected ones are :

25 – Randonnée d’Offersoykammen

62 – Randonnée de Storknubben

51 – Randonnée de Slettheia

53 - Randonnée de Dalstinden

24 - Randonnée de Justadtinden

4 – Randonnée de Narvtinden

7 – Randonnée de Munkan

26 – Randonnée de Bulitinden et Guratinde

15 – Randonnée de Moltinden

23 – Randonnée d’Himmeltindan

31 – Randonnée de Matmora

46 – Randonnée de Napp à Nusfjord

6 – Randonnée de Helvete

Could someone give a piece of advice on this please?

And by the way, can the 25th and 32nd ones be done in the same day according to you?

Also, do you think the kayak trip worth it in october?

Best regards,


4 0
Tue Sep 22, 2015, 10:11 pm


N°32 (Haugen Svolvaer) is a quite long walk (at least 5h) on Austvagoya island. Offeroyskammen is a small hike on Vestvagoy island (can be done in 1 to 2 hours). So technicly yes, it is possible to do both if the weather is good and if you are a good hiker, but don't forget that you will need around 2,5h to get from Svolvaer to Leknes.

Also the days are shorter in october, so 14 hikes on only 6 days, seems a little too much to me.

But you can always adapt once you are there. Also rember that some walk should not be done if it is raining (Helvete for example).

Good luck with your trip, and send us some feedback or photos when you are home :D


113 0
Tue Apr 16, 2013, 12:24 pm


Many thanks for your answer !

I made a mistake, I wanted to ask about the hiking N°25 and 62 to be done in the same day... But I think it is ok then.

And of course, we will not do the 14 hikings in 6 days, that's why I am trying to shorter the selection to 6 hikings, 7 if 25 and 62 can be done in the same day for example.

What do you think about the half day kayak trip with Lofoten Aktiv?

I will send you feedbacks and photos after the trip for sure !


4 0
Tue Sep 22, 2015, 10:11 pm

Ok here is the (almost) final plan :

In the same day :

25 – Randonnée d’Offersoykammen

10 - Randonnée de Stornapptinden

And then one per day :

7 – Randonnée de Munkan

31 – Randonnée de Matmora

46 – Randonnée de Napp à Nusfjord

6 – Randonnée de Helvete

And one of these two for the last day if nothing else planned (kayak)

26 – Randonnée de Bulitinden et Guratinde

15 – Randonnée de Moltinden

I will post you my feedbacks then.


4 0
Tue Sep 22, 2015, 10:11 pm

Hi !

I'm looking for information to plan a trip for about 5/6 days like you, how was your journey ??

3 0
Wed Oct 28, 2015, 10:28 pm
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries.


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