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 Fri Apr 19, 2024, 8:00 pm
 5  67115
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I'm looking for two, or 3, places where to stay and hike.

We'll have no car and take buses, but we can rent one for one or two days.

We'd prefer to stay in a busy place, with accomodatiohs, but not too much "industrial'....

Does someone could help us, telling us about Reine, Svolvaer, Stamsund, or any other?

Thank's a lot.


2 0
Tue Dec 22, 2015, 5:50 pm

Which season are you planning to travel in? It is important to know before answering the rest of your question ;-)

309 0
Fri May 3, 2013, 5:06 am

Hi, I have the same question as Gerard. We are coming at the end of June/ early July, arriving in Moskenes by ferry from Bodo. Which would be the best base for hiking in the south of the islands and also a couple of other bases accessible by bus elsewhere?


Alan, Scotland UK

2 0
Mon Apr 6, 2015, 8:22 pm

Hi David

Thank's for your interest.

We'll be there between May 25 and June 6.

Finally, we'll rent a car for this time.

Read You soon.


2 0
Tue Dec 22, 2015, 5:50 pm


Svolvaer, Stamsund and Sorvagen are good spots to start your hikes from, you will find plenty nice day-walks around those places (just look at the site ;) )

309 0
Fri May 3, 2013, 5:06 am

Thanks David. We have arranged to stay a few days each in Å, Reine, Anne Gerd's B and B near Stamsund and Svolvaer so looks like we guessed right! Will check the website for ideas for walks.

Best wishes Alan

2 0
Mon Apr 6, 2015, 8:22 pm
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries.


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