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Have fun!

The Moderator

 Thu Apr 18, 2024, 12:23 pm
 1  33882
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries.

What's up with the forums please? Every time I click on a topic the recent posts aren't visible? Have the forums been hacked?

Profile pic at foot of Helvetestinden

26 0
Thu Mar 7, 2019, 10:10 pm


I am sorry, it is true that the forum and the website hasn't been a 100% functional the last months.

The reason is unfortunately much more serious than the forum having been hacked (although it is true that I have spent over 3 hours today "cleaning" the forum for thousands of unpublished Russian spam messages).

I am going to write a message at the start page to explain to all visitors why lately things haven't been working as I would have wished.

My partner in life and in work, David, who has been the most active in administrating and adding new content to this website in his free time, dramatically passed away this summer. It is a disaster for me, and I think a great loss for many as he has contributed a lot to make these islands accessible to all nature lovers around the world.

The topic (hiking in the Lofotens) and this website meant a lot to him, and does to me as well as it has been part of our life for years, but it has been very hard to carry on the normal things lately.

I have a few projects in mind for the website that I am starting to work on and that will be published in the coming months. Meanwhile I will from now administrate the forum again.

Please let me know if you encounter any new problems on the site.




113 0
Tue Apr 16, 2013, 12:24 pm
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries.


Any representation whether total or partial of this site or content (general structure, texts, sound, logos, images whether animated or otherwise), by any method whatsoever, without the authors express prior approval is prohibited and constitutes infringement sanctioned by the Intellectual Property Code. The GPX tracks that can be downloaded on this website, bellong to hiking-lofoten and is for a private use only (not for commercial use). In order to reproduce the tracks in any form or on any medium (paper, digital, website, etc.), we ask you to mention the following (under or on the map): GPX track ©