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 Wed Apr 24, 2024, 6:05 pm
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Hi everyone - I need a quick sanity check about an upcoming hiking/photography trip. I've got 8 days to spend in Norway, and ideally I'd like to see Lofoten and Trolltunga. Is this trying to pack too much into 8 days, or does it sound reasonable? Below is a potential itinerary. Any feedback and opinions are welcome.

Proposed Itinerary

  • Day 1: Arrive in Oslo. Flight to Bodo. Ferry to Moskenes.
  • Day 2: Hiking/photography around Moskenes
  • Day 3: More hiking/photography in Lofoten
  • Day 4: More hiking/photography in Lofoten
  • Day 5: Flight from Leknes to Bodo to Bergen. Drive Bergen to Odda or Tyssedal.
  • Day 6: Hike Trolltunga. Camp overnight in the mountains near Trolltunga.
  • Day 7: Hike down from Trolltunga. Drive back to Bergen.
  • Day 8: Fly home to Seattle.

If I don't end up doing both, I'll just plan to spend all of my time in Lofoten. The area looks absolutely stunning, and I know there are more than enough hikes and photo opps to keep me busy there.

Also, to David, Magdalena, and all of the other volunteers behind rando-lofoten: Thank you for creating such an amazing site. The resources here (trek descriptions, GPX files, photos, forums) are better than anything else I've found online or in print.

Thanks again.


4 0
Mon Jan 18, 2016, 5:17 am

Hello Ari,

It is important to know in which season (month) you are planning your trip, because the winter conditions will slow down your travel.

If it is in winter and you only have 8 days, I would forget Trolltunga in the south and concentrate on the Lofoten islands. This will give you 6 full days on the Lofoten, where, if you are lucky with the weather conditions and ready to walk a little bit, you can do great photos.

In summer, you might have the time to do both the Lofoten and Trolletunga, but if you take away the transfer days (D1, D5 and D8) it not much time left for walking to the nice points and taking pictures… You must take in consideration in your trip planning that public transportation are not very regular (max two busses a day from north to south) on the Lofoten and they don’t go every where on the islands, so you will probably need to rent a car if you want to spare time in transportation.

Hoping those points will be useful for you to make your choice

Have a nice trip in the Lofoten and send us a link when you publish your pictures on the internet ;)

309 0
Fri May 3, 2013, 5:06 am

Hey David - Thank you for the prompt reply and for your feedback. I'm planning my trip for late July or early August, so it sounds like the trip would be possible logistically. However, the more I think about it, the more I agree that the 3 transfer days won't leave much time to actually enjoy either location. So I think at this point, I'll plan on spending my entire trip in the Lofoten Islands.

Really looking forward to it. And I'll definitely share my photos on this site after the trip.

Thanks again!


4 0
Mon Jan 18, 2016, 5:17 am
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries.


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