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 Fri Apr 19, 2024, 9:15 am
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Hello everyone,

I have booked my flights and accommodation in Lofoten, now i'm having a big challenge of planning what to do, i will stay first night in village of A after that 2 nights in Ballstad, 2 night in Kabelvåg and then last night is near EVE airport.


1Jul-Arrive to Moskenes ferry at 6am :spend the night in A

2Jul- start from A spend the night in Ballstad(Last Bus to Ballstad is on 19:10)

I didn’t know which activity from those should i include for both of those days i have those options in mind:

Related activities around:

--head to Vinstad do either Brunakseltinden Hike (3hrs) or Hermannsdalen hike(First ferry from Rein to Vindstad is at 7, last on is at 15:00)

-- do Reinebringen from Reine ( 2h)

--Helvete Hike from Reine (5h)

--Merraflestinden - Gylttinden - Kollfjellet Hike from Sørvågen (7h)

--Hire a bike and head to hiking to Kvalvika((5h)

--Kayak ?

3Jul-Start from Ballstad sleep in Ballstad.

4Jul start from Ballstad sleep in Kabelvåg.

5Jul from Kabelvåg must be in Svolvaer before 15:00

Related activities around:


--Stornappstinden Hike(4h) from Napp

--Hustinden Hike(full day 7 h) close from naps mo mara

--Bulitinden and Guratinden Hike(5 h) bus stop in Berg

--Ballstadheia Hike(5h) ballstad

--Justadtind 3h

--Steinstind/Steinetind 1+ hour

-Offersøykammen hike 1 h

-Breidtinden hike 3 hrs next to Mortsund

Tjelbergtinden Hike 3 to 4h

-Hoven Gimsøya 1 h

-Matmora ( a bit difficult to get too but will work it out if its tottaly worth it.)

-Spend time around Henningsvaer maybe Festvågtind Hike 2 hours

I'm using only public transport with no car, i'm doing it alone, i would like to have the best scene in Lofoten, and everything in Lofoten is amazing this is " the big challenge !".

i would appreciated if you can arrange and select the activities per day? or just give me an advice ?

I have been using this website along with those websites :, for planning.

I have been doing lots of research and i am in need for a second opinion.

Thank you in advance !

1 0
Sat Jun 18, 2016, 10:31 am
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries.


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