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 Fri Apr 19, 2024, 1:52 am
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Please, please help again! :)

I am planning my trip for July but from south to north so the opposite way you propose to cross the Lofoten. I have a problem with the passage from Kleppstad to Svolvaer, as I have found 3 proposed routes

1- yours from Rando-lofoten

2- route of the Lofoten Ultra Trail (marked on the attached map in blue)

3 - trail No. LHV12 (which is marked in yellow-orange on the map).

I initially decided to go along LHV12 but after looking at google earth I am not so sure any more, because of very steep section. Which of these routes will be the least dangerous for a solo hiker with light backpack?

Best regards,


  • stage 3 - kleppstad- svolvaer.jpg
    stage 3 - kleppstad- svolvaer.jpg (360.5 KiB) Viewed 1352 time(s).
10 0
Thu Jun 29, 2017, 4:30 pm


First of all this is the most difficult (and potentially) dangerous stage of the "great crossing of the Lofoten". So I would think that, unless you are very well trained and used to this type of wild terrain, it is not very safe to engage yourself in this stage as a solo hiker.

Once this has been said, the “less” dangerous tracks is the blue route (Lofoten Ultra trail –which is directly inspired by “the great crossing” of our site or “Rando-lofoten” gps track.

By the way those two tracks are nearly the same when it come to cross the mountain between “Stor Kongvatnet” and “Oldefjorden” excepted for two points:

1) The blue track choose a safer path from “Stor Kongsvatnet” to “Vestre Nokkvatnet”

2) Our track avoids a part of the marshland when arriving to “Olderfjord” (Finnstranda)

Excepted those two small differences, both tracks are mainly the same.

The orange track on your map is at my opinion more risky than the other ones.

309 0
Fri May 3, 2013, 5:06 am


Thank you David very much for the reply. I will follow your advice and take the blue route with the safer path from “Stor Kongsvatnet” to “Vestre Nokkvatnet” but start with Rando-Lofoten route at Olderfjord” to avoid marshland (Finnstranda).

I am trained to a certain extent and as a mountain ultrarunner accustomed to moving in wild terrain. Besides, I have 5 months until my Lofoten journey and I keep training all the time for this trip, which will include some shorter trips to mountainous areas with my backpack. I also plan to have insurance for off-trail hiking and probably some remote-GPS tracking (by Trackcourse)

Best regards


10 0
Thu Jun 29, 2017, 4:30 pm
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries.


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