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 Fr,3 Mai 2024, 12:04 am
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Not sure if anyone will be able to answer me on this one but thought I would try. I am looking to hike from bunes beach to horseid beach by way of the Helvetestinden. I know that you can summit the Helvetestinden from Bunes beach and it is a well documented hike. However from the searches I have done and from images I can not tell if one is able to go down the opposite side of the ridge towards horseid beach from anywhere on the path up the Helvetestinden. The maps seem to imply that it would be possible but just curious to see if anyone has ever hiked Bunes to Helvetestinden and could give me any information about the possibilities of going down the other side of the ridge towards horseid.

Kind regards,


4 0
Mi,20 Jan 2016, 2:12 pm


There is already few posts about this subject on the Forum. Once again the answer is NO. It is highly dangerous many rock falls and steep drop and far too many deadly accidents for the one which have tried in the past last years.

So please take the boat as every one do and keep on the safe side ;)

309 0
Fr,3 Mai 2013, 5:06 am


Thank you so much for your response, apologies as I searched the forum but must have missed the previous post about this topic. We definitely wont be attempting based on your advice. If I can ask a follow up question regarding the ferry it would really help. My understanding is that during the summer weeks the ferry runs Monday to Friday by taking the following route - Reine then to Vindstad, then to Kirkefjord and then back to Reine. My understanding is based on the Reinefjorden website.

Then as you suggest taking the ferry from Vindstad to Kirkefjord is the best way. I just want to make sure my understanding is correct that the ferry goes from Vindstad to Kirkefjord and not just straight from Vindstad back to Reine. Hopefully my question makes sense - basically just want to make sure the ferry goes between these two stops and not just back and forth (separately) from these spots to Reine.

Thanks again for your response it is much appreciated.

4 0
Mi,20 Jan 2016, 2:12 pm


Here is the answer: Yes the ferry is doing a complete loop (Reine, Vinstad, Kjerkfjord) but not always in the same way ;)

If you look closely at the ferry timetable from week 26 to week 33 (Summer) you will notice that the morning ferries (08h00, 10h00 and 11h00) go from Reine to Vindstad, then to Kjerkfjord and back to Reine, while the afternoon ferry goes from Reine(15h00) to Kjerkfjord(15h20), then to Vindstad(15h30) and back to Reine(16h00).

It is right that their "official timetable" is a little bit confusing :?

In addition to this, and only on demand you can ask to be stopped in "Forsfjord" (between Reine and Vindstad) and in "Rostad" (between Kjerkfjord and Reine). You will have to pay extra for those special stops.

You will find all additional information on this page

Have a nice trip in the Lofoten

309 0
Fr,3 Mai 2013, 5:06 am


That was what I thought but just wanted to confirm - thank you very much for your answers as they have made planning my trip so much more efficient.

Kind regards,


4 0
Mi,20 Jan 2016, 2:12 pm

Hi David, thank you and Magdalena for making the wonderful Lofoten island guide. I found this thread on the other way around ferry and checked the timetable. But for some reason I couldn't read that the ferry is making a full loop in the timetable available. Has anything changed?

We want to hike your 11 day trek the other way around.

How can we be sure we can take a ferry from Vindstad to Kjekrfjorden?

1 0
So,15 Jul 2018, 4:48 pm
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