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Der Moderator

 Fr,3 Mai 2024, 7:00 pm
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Still persistently looking for a way to get to Kjerkfjorden by foot :)

On my map of Lofoten (1:100 000) there is a trail marked leading from E10 (right after Fjosdalen Tunnel, before Molnaroden) to Kjerkfjorden. Unfortunately it is not marked in kart. Can anyone confirm that it is passable by foot? I heard from someone living there that it is supposedly an old trail without risky sections, but I need confirmation :) Please help. My planned time of journey: July 2018.

I attach a photo with map. Don't look at the blue line, I am asking about the trail marked with red dotted line

Best regards


  • DSC_2155.JPG
    DSC_2155.JPG (288.88 KiB) Angesehen 1469 mal.
10 0
Do,29 Jun 2017, 4:30 pm

Hei Ewa,

Yes it is possible, but you will have to walk in a totally wild and uneasy terrain. I give you the GPS track for the first part of the walk here, the last part (from Klokkertindryggen to Kjerkfjorden) is a bit easier but I dont have the GPS track for it.

The Gps Track presented here start from a place call Fjøsdalen (just before the tunnel when you come from Mølnaroden) and it ends on the top of Klokktindryggen (495m). The first part of this track is relatively easy with a small trail which goes all the way to the lake of Svartvatnet. After the lake there is no more trail, so you will have to find your way though the bushes.

It is true that their are no risky passages on the way although it is not easy to move forward because of the abundant vegetation. You will find again a small trail on the last part of the walk, from the pass above Kjerkfjorden to the village.

You have to keep in mind that it will take you more time then it look on the map because of the difficult terrain!

If you make a GPS track all the way to Kjerkfjorden we will be please that you send us a copy so we can set it on line ;-)

Be careful and enjoy your trip.

309 0
Fr,3 Mai 2013, 5:06 am

Thank you a lot David!!!

It's the news of the day, because having this trail I finally know that I can go from A to Kjerkfjorden without boat. I know that it means some kilometers along E10, but it's really not much in comparison to the length of my entire planned route. Of course I will give you the gps track if I cover this section, my pleasure!


10 0
Do,29 Jun 2017, 4:30 pm
Zeige 1 bis 3 von 3 Einträgen.

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