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The Moderator

 Thu May 2, 2024, 9:34 am
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Hi, I'm planning a 2-3 day hike over the peaks mentioned above. With a camp at Stokkvika. Can you tell me if this is achievable with normal hiking equipment? Is it a scramble or harder than that? It is marked as having a path on the map and would make a good circular route. Any advice much appreciated!

1 0
Thu Jul 14, 2016, 3:28 pm


There is a path from the Agvatnet to Stokkvika shown on the 1:100000 scale map (2459 Lofoten) but not on the 1:50000 scale Vest-Lofoten 2745. The path is steep and difficult in places but well within the limits of hiking. I have not been up either of the 2 peaks but from a distance Mengeldalstinden looks like a ridge walk / easy scramble wheras climbing Gjerdtindan from this side looks to be serious mountaineering where a rope and climbing gear would be comforting. I spent 2 nights at the Agvatnet and it was awesome. Hope youre trip goes well

1 0
Sat Feb 13, 2016, 9:34 pm
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries.


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