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 Jeu 2 Mai, 2024, 9:52 am
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Hey everyone, I'll be on lofuten the end of April and the first part of May (13 days) and I was just wondering if I could hike the length of lofuten trail without snowshoes. Of course the weather can change all plans, I was just hoping not to have to buy any. What kind of snow levels are normal for this time? Thanks for any and all help. Cheers, J.C.

5 0
Lun 28 Mar, 2016, 3:48 pm

Hello !

Ho funny, I asked exactly the same question a minute ago.

I had not seen your post.

I hope we'll get an aswer to this, I am wondering just like you if we'll be able to hike properly :)

7 0
Dim 31 Jan, 2016, 1:32 pm

You can hike on part of the day-walks proposed on this site with out other equipment then some good walking boots. But you will meet snow above 400m. So you might have to adapt your hikes depending on the weather and snow level.

Have a safe journey,

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

Thanks David, I appreciate the help. One more question...above 400 meters is the snow really deep right now? I guess what I'm asking is if I go above that height will I be post holing in really deep snow. I know this is kind of a horrible question as the weather and snow levels can change but I'm just trying to get a mental picture of what it's like now. Cheers, j.c.

5 0
Lun 28 Mar, 2016, 3:48 pm

It is in deed a difficult question to answer because nobody knows at the moment if there will still be snow at that period and how much.

Generally the left over of snow in the beginning of the spring/summer season is quite hard an it is not to difficult to walk on it with out going through. But no guarantee (at least from me ;-).

You must absolutely evaluate this when you will be there, any way if you encounter problems to walk on snow, they are still many possibilities of day-walks with out snow. (look on this site for the one which are in low altitude)

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

Dear All,

planning to visit Lofoten for a few days in May. I have basic ideas, however I am quite sure you could tell me where I mad mistakes in planning. Would highly apprecaite if you could have a quick look on the attached photo and tell me which part is impossible For example I am not sure I could walk on the shoreline on certain places, maybe the mountain reaches the water in such a deep angle, that there is no place for a trekker. Second concern is the weather. I was planning to visit Iceland, but realized that the treks I was to walk are not accessible in May. How are the usual conditions in Reine and surroundings that time.Still covered in snow? Avalanches? Closed treks maybe? I have an all season tent (Hilleberg Kaitum 3 ) proper sleeping pad and -10C rated sleeping bag. Visited New Zealand and Nepal for few times, including Annapurna and Everest Base camp last November, but I am not a climber.

Please help me with my decision. If the aforementioned idea is far from reality I would be more than happy to read your suggestions!

I would be there from 17th of May until 23rd of May.

  • Lofoten.jpg
    Lofoten.jpg (277.67 KiB) Vu 1914 temps (s ).
5 0
Ven 22 Avr, 2016, 1:35 pm

I'll be there on the 26th of April until the 14th of May so I can get back to you on weather conditions. The best I can figure out is that for me, now, if I stay below 400 meters I should be fine, and maybe in some areas, southern facing slopes I can go higher. I think just get to the islands with a few different ideas and go from there. It seems you can hike anywhere. If the coastline cliffs out just turn around and go a different route. I talked to a photographer who spends a lot of time on the islands and he said the snow is melting but it's full winter on the center of the islands. If you want some kind of current report in a couple of weeks remind me to get back to you because I will forget. Have fun!

5 0
Lun 28 Mar, 2016, 3:48 pm

Thank you so much, enjoy your stay!!!

5 0
Ven 22 Avr, 2016, 1:35 pm
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