Ven 10 Mai, 2024, 4:07 am
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I will be staying in Svolvaer for 2 nights (arriving via Hurtigruten) the middle of September to go hiking. I am trying to figure out my return to Oslo and it appears there is a bus that runs from Svolvaer to Harstad/Narvik Airport Evenes. The website I have found:, but I am having a hard time trying to read the times the bus runs. Am I correct to read that there is a morning bus at 9:50a getting in at 12:55p? Will I be able to get on the bus without a reservation and does the bus take cash or credit card? From Harstad/Narvik Airport the plan is to get a flight to Oslo. Norwegian Air Shuttle has an afternoon flight at 3:45p. Sound doable?

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Dim 6 Déc, 2015, 8:18 pm
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