Jeu 2 Mai, 2024, 4:24 pm
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I and several friends will be hiking in the Lofoten Islands for a week next July. This site has been a tremendous resource for us while planning our trip. However, we have a question regarding GPS.

We have noticed on this site that each of the described hikes includes a downloadable GPX file. While we have a basic understand of GPS handheld devices, in our hiking in the US we never have needed GPS to enjoy our hiking activities. Quite frankly, we don't know a lot about how that technology might be helpful - or necessary - to our hiking in Norway.

Could you please explain in some detail what kind of information is included in the downloadable GPX files and how that information might be useful to us while hiking in the Lofoten Islands?

Please also address the degree to which it might be important / necessary for us to bring a handheld GPS system with us on this trip -- meaning, can we enjoy extensive hiking in the Lofoten Islands without such a device?

3 0
Mer 13 Jan, 2016, 2:11 am
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