Ven 10 Mai, 2024, 7:28 am
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Hello everybody,

In July, I need to get from Å or Sørvågen to Kjerkfjord by foot - I know that it is possible to hike to Bunes beach, and I read here that it is dangerous to try to cross the mountains there. But, is it possible to hike a path around the peninsula (I drew it on the photo enclosed)? Is there any path running all along that peninsula or there are places where rocks/wall rise straight from water and there is no crossing?

Please help, it is important for me, and I cannot take any boat or other means of transportation :)


  • Bunes to Kjerkfjord.jpg
    Bunes to Kjerkfjord.jpg (288.68 KiB) Vu 1422 temps (s ).
10 0
Jeu 29 Jun, 2017, 4:30 pm


Many people keep asking us the same question and we will keep answering NO ;-)

The reason is very simple, their is no path around the peninsula because the est side of the peninsula is made of cliffs dropping directly into the fjord...

The boat is relatively cheap and fast although the captain is slightly mad I will advise you to take it.

HL Team

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

Thanks a lot for the clear explanation. My goal is to get from A to Kirkfjord (and then further) possibly omitting E10, that's why I was asking.

Best regards


10 0
Jeu 29 Jun, 2017, 4:30 pm
Affiche 1 à 3 des 3 entrées.

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