Lun 6 Mai, 2024, 1:26 am
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Hi, Bonjour!

We joined a couple of months ago but have never posted here before. My wife and I are both 62 years old, and due to long hours in the office are not particularly fit. We love nature and our annual 2 week vacation is always somewhere that we can enjoy the natural world. We've been to places like Iceland, Scotland, Tanzania, Haida Gwaii (west coast Canada), Newfoundland, Yukon, Alaska... many out-of-the way places. We kayak a little, we used to camp a little, now we travel by car and each day we do short-ish hikes of usually 2-3 hours and sometimes perhaps up to 5 hours. We travel prepared for the elements with proper clothing, footwear, food and water; we never go out ill-equipped.

Next August we are going to Lofoten and really looking forward to it. We have the hiking book referred to on this site (which surprisingly arrived in about a week from the UK to Canada). We're wondering how proficient we must be with map & compass and GPS (we're not) to do many of the hikes on the Islands. I read that trails are not well-marked at all.

As well, in the book, references are made to the difficulty of some of the routes, that even on some 'medium' hikes some 'technical ability' is required. What sort of 'technical abilities' are being referred to?. We are fine with steep, rough, rocky terrain but would not consider ropes and climbing equipment.

If anyone out there can enlighten us... thanks so much!

Phil & Daniella
1 0
Lun 16 Oct, 2017, 2:46 am
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