Sam 4 Mai, 2024, 10:14 am
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I was wandering if anyone has any experience regarding the hike from Horseidvika to Kvalvika (via the pass at Fagerådalen, Selfjordhytta and Markvatnet). The maps show a path leading from horseid beach to Selfjordshytta but I'm wondering what its like and if the area is suitable for camping? Is there water for drinking in july or are there sheep around as in Fredvang? And what about the pass itself, looks steep but not that much worse than the way to Horseide from Kirkefjord?

Best regards

1 0
Ven 31 Mai, 2019, 8:39 am


You will find the walk description from Selfjord to kerkfjorden here. From Horseid beach to Selfjordshytta you will find a few place suitable for camping, but the terrain is mostly very wet or very steep. Close to the lake of Fageravatnet it is possible to camp on a dry soil at a few spots. Normally ther are no sheep there and you should find plenty places with drinkable water.

The pass from Fageradalen to the valley of Horseiden is harder and steeper then the one from Horseiden valley to Kjerkfjorden but it is doable ;-)

Have a nice trip to the Lofoten

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am
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