Ven 3 Mai, 2024, 7:38 am
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Is it possible to get to Munken from Reine via Reinebrangen?

I can see on the ap that there is a ridge that connects but Is it safe?


3 0
Ven 21 Jun, 2019, 6:36 am

This is totally unsafe and you will need special skills and climbing gears to do so. There are many rock falls on the way and the path to Reinebringen is still closed, but over all I think there is no interest in doing so (except risking your life).

keep on the safe side ;-)

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

Thanks, David,

That very clearly steers me away from that option! Is the path to Reinebringen closed due to overuse?


3 0
Ven 21 Jun, 2019, 6:36 am


Actually Reinbringen "path" is under construction. Those works have lasted 4 years and I wonder if they will end one day. During the construction work the path is prohibited to hikers. Just beside Reinbringen you will find an other walk called Helvete/Veinestinden which is much more spectacular with out risking your life for it. I will strongly advise you to try Veinestinden in stead of Reinebringen which is for me just an other instagram point in the world.

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

Thanks for the advice, the option you suggest seems perfect.

3 0
Ven 21 Jun, 2019, 6:36 am


Is there any safe path from Helvete to Veiniestinden and Munken?

I would like to hike from Munken to Helvete and then to Reinebringen.

Regards, Tomir.

1 0
Jeu 29 Aoû, 2019, 7:58 am

The answer is bellow in this post, there is no safe ways to go where you want except by plane :D

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am
Affiche 1 à 7 des 7 entrées.

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