Dim 5 Mai, 2024, 6:34 am
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Hi there,

My wife and I are at the beginning of planning a trip to include Lofoten next summer. We are avid hikers but have next to no real mountain climbing experience (we can scramble). As we started to look at pictures, we came across Djevelporten or Devil's gate which looked a little like Kjerag to us. I couldn't see a route described to it among your hikes (although I do one on the topos') and am wondering the path and how hard it is to get there and whether you need climbing equipment to get to it. Any help would be appreciated.

Love this site and the information that it has.

Thanks for putting it together.

2 0
Lun 13 Avr, 2015, 4:44 am


You will find a short Topo in norwegian for this walk on that web site http://www.lommekjent.no/turer/367408 together with the GPX track.

The walk is tough, but you dont need any special equipement to climb up there :)

If you decide to climb over the "door lintel" (for the picture) you will need a good sens of balance if not you might feel dizzy.

Security first and enjoy the view :lol:

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am
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