Dim 28 Avr, 2024, 2:01 am
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Hello everyone,

first of all this page is awesome! Thanks for putting up so much useful information.

I plan to take a two week trip to the Lofoten islands from September 26th to October 11th this year.

I have not decided if it makes sense to go camping during this season.

Do you think the chances of snow are high during that time?

If yes do you think a sleeping bag up to -4°C (comfort) is sufficient?

If not, are there still any Rorbus open to rent or this already too far out of season?

Thank you very much in advance!

2 0
Jeu 23 Avr, 2015, 9:20 am


It is possible to camp in any season in the Lofoten, but it's maybe not always very comfortable. Some people camp in full winter, it all depends a little bit on your equipment… and tolerance to cold. :mrgreen:

Some rorbuer are still for rent at that season, the best is to check on Internet already now (you will probably find this type of info on the tourist office website- visitlofoten).

I would advise you to find a warmer sleeping bag if you decide to camp, especially if you plan to sleep higher than sea level.

It can easily be 0°c at night. Maybe “-10°C comfort” would be better. It depends how you tolerate cold of course. It is also a quite rainy period of the year, so your tent should be quite resistant to water.

As it is 'of season', it is maybe possible to rent rooms or rorbuer cheaper than during the summer time.

Good luck with all the preparation and enjoy your trip to the Lofoten,


113 0
Mar 16 Avr, 2013, 12:24 pm

Hello Magdalena,

thanks for your reply.

I guess we will try to squeeze in some nights in the tent and find out how our tolerance to cold is ;)

Quite rainy sounds like we should tend to rorbuer though since we plan to bring a lot of camera gear ;)

Thanks for your help!


2 0
Jeu 23 Avr, 2015, 9:20 am
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