Jeu 9 Mai, 2024, 11:26 pm
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Hello Everybody,

Im Peter, hiker and photographor. Love Lofoten Islands. As i live in the city, i escape to paradise :-)

I will be in Lofoten for the month Juli. And my goal is to hike from Moskenes all the way up to Andenes. as good my conditons will be, perhaps parts with public transport.

I will bring with me already dried food for 7days, cause its light and cheap.

My question: are there shops in Lofoten who sell better Hike/outdoor sport dried food?

i think the supermarkets sell the main brands like Knorr i think, but they are not my favorite :-)

all ideas are welcome.

thanks for ur time, greetings Peter

4 0
Dim 17 Mai, 2015, 8:48 pm

Hei Peter,

You can find the brand Real Turmat in most of the supermarkets here in the Lofoten, it is not realy good and it is expensiv. For that reason I prefer to take my fishing gears with me, cheaper food and a thousand time better then any dry food ;) You can fish everywhere in fresh water or in the sea.

Bon appétit ;)

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

haha, greeaat.

Too bad no more place for fishing gear. im a pasionate pfotographer, so i got already gear with me.

or do u fish also without a fishing stick? only fishline?

i will try 1 real turmit, see if its eatable. :roll:

thank you for the answer.

greetings Peter

4 0
Dim 17 Mai, 2015, 8:48 pm
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