Lun 6 Mai, 2024, 8:10 am
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May i know is there any trails that we can hike during winter? Our main focus is on photography.

Thanks in advance :)


1 0
Ven 23 Sep, 2016, 12:31 am

I am planning to do a 1-2 week hiking in mid-january, so I have the same kind of a question.

Well, it depends on your ability of access. If you have a car, you could go all the way up to Vesterålen and hike some small but beautiful peaks. I guess, the most common and easiest winter hike will be to mt. Ryten . The rout isn't steep at all and it's really easy to follow the trail (which can not be seen because of snow). Or you can just hike to several beaches in Moskenesøya

1 0
Jeu 24 Nov, 2016, 10:28 am

Hello ! I am preparing a trip, for mi-february, and I would like to know which winter hikings are possibles on the islands of Moskenesoy and Flakstadoy.

Thanks for yours answers


2 0
Mer 18 Jan, 2017, 2:28 pm

Hei Alex,

Look for the day-walks with this picto, they are the walks you can do in winter with snowshoes. Unfortunately they are not so many in Moskenesoya and Flakstadoya since those are the two most mountainous islands in the Lofoten ;-(

keep safe

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

Thanks for your answer!

I would also like to know if some hikings are easy to reach by bus or if I have to rent a car?

2 0
Mer 18 Jan, 2017, 2:28 pm


does it mean that only day-walks with the pictogram of snow-shoes are accessible in winter and the rest of them is not no matter if it says so explicitly or not?

Thank you for your answer in advance.

1 0
Dim 22 Jan, 2017, 7:19 am

What it means, is that the walks with the snowshoes picto are doable in winter with snowshoes.

All the other walks describe on this site may be accessible but you will need special equipment depending of the weather and specially the snow cover. (ice peaks, crampons, rope, etc.)

Have a safe trip

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am
Affiche 1 à 7 des 7 entrées.

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