Jeu 9 Mai, 2024, 9:32 am
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Not strictly Lofoten but I still believe it belongs here - do you have any tips for good hikes, places not to miss etc around the E6 road (from Trondheim to Lofoten), e.g. where to stop when you go to Lofoten by car?

I went up that road 3 times, every time it was at night, and the surroundings were absolutely surreal with the endless forests, lakes, rivers and fairy-tale mist. However I was not able to find any real hikes with some must see goals like beatiful views, waterfalls etc. Where you can aim and in the meantime enjoy the scenery during the hike.

I can really recommend Rago national park with a great round hike but that's it. Any tips would be much appreciated.


7 0
Lun 13 Avr, 2015, 9:29 am
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