Ven 10 Mai, 2024, 12:48 am
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Hello everybody, this site is amazing, the information about the hikes are a dream, especially since they also provide GPS :-)

I plan to go to Lofoten with one or two friends in August or September and we would love to do some multi day hikes with wild camping, which generally seems to be no problem, so that's not my question. The question I'm wondering about is, how managable iit is to just wander around the island to reach the several hikes, without going back to the mainroad.

I think about the ones of connecting bunes bay to Horseid or going further south on the west coast. The terrain looks fairly flat on many parts of that coast...

what do you think?

I couldn't really find any information about longer hikes on the lofoten, most describes tours are dayhikes or two day hikes with staying on top/around the target peak.

cheers for your anwers

2 0
Dim 26 Avr, 2015, 7:18 pm


It is possible to make connections between most of the day-walks, which are presented on this web site. I will advice you to have a look at “The long crossing from north to south on the Lofoten Islands” it is an eleven days trek, which almost never go on the main road.

On Moskenesøya, the most mountainous island of the Lofoten, connections in between different day-walks are more difficult (when not impossible). It is possible, although difficult and dangerous, to walk from Horseid to Bunes. We will put the gps track of this route on line during this summer. It is also possible to walk from Bunes to Forsfjord, that walk is difficult but not too dangerous. So it is in fact possible to walk from Horseid (Kjerkfjord) to Forsfjorden with out taking the boat. Many people have ask us about this and we will make the GPS track available soon ;) Nevertheless, it is much easier and faster to take the shuttel boat, and the walk itself is not realy interesting, since you will be more often looking where to put your feet, than at the landscape itself ;)

For the last part of your question, about walking along the west coast from Bunes and toward the south; it is not possible. It is true that there are many places where you could be able to walk along the sea but before you could reach those places you would have to cross some impassable places (clifs, gulch) that are not possible without full climbing gears.

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

Hej David, thanks yor your answer. The long crossing looks indeed promissing, both regarding doing the whole thing and using it from point 8 onwards for some Moskenesoya through hiking plus maybe some sidetrails :-)

So are there any further nice connections on Moskenesoya like 42 and 9 or know I really really do hate going the same way back as I walked in ;-)

2 0
Dim 26 Avr, 2015, 7:18 pm
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