Dim 5 Mai, 2024, 1:25 pm
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Hi guys,

My question is subjective but happy for everyone`s views.

What would you say are the 5 best challenging hikes accessible by public transport from Svolvaer in August?

Challenging: requires at least 5-6 hours, climbing to more than 300-400m but requires non technical climbing - scrambling is OK,

Best: very good views and scenery, passing by a beach would be a bonus:-)

And can be accessed by public transport as a day hike from Svolvaer.

Thx in advance.




On the link above you will find the different busses and time tables of Lofoten.

it will help you to see were you can go and what hike are easy to reach.

I would suggest:

Storknubben on Gimsøy

Matmora in Vågan

Dalstinden on Vestvågøy

Himmelstinden on Vestvågøy

Tønsåsheia on Flakstadøy

Hustinden on Flakstadøy

have a good trip to the Lofoten! !


113 0
Mar 16 Avr, 2013, 12:24 pm
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