Ven 10 Mai, 2024, 8:48 pm
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I'm planning a day trip from Sørvågen past Munkebu up to the Munken summit, down to Munkebu hut for lunch, and then follow the path towards Hermanssdalstinden. When passing the northeastern corner of Krokvatnet we will, depending on our own as well as the weather conditions, decide whether we should climb Hermanssdalstinden before catching a boat from Forsfjorden or return directly to Forsfjorden.

From what I can see (and read in various places) there are no technically challenging parts to this hike, but please let me know if there are any tricky points or passages.

Also, how much time would you estimate from Munkebu to Hermanssdalstinden to Forsfjorden?



1 0
Ven 15 Jul, 2016, 12:47 pm


There is one trick part going up to Hermannsdalstinden specially if you have vertigo (N67 56.184 E12 57.448).

Munkebu to Hermannsdalstinden top : approximately 3h

Hermannsdalstinden top to Forsfjord : approximately 2h

Have a nice trip

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

Is the trail to the Hermanssdalstinden summit well marked or easy to follow? If not, are there topo maps that are easily accessible for this hike? We're going in mid-Sept and saving this hike for the 1 day of forecasted good weather (since we know the weather in mid-September is a real gamble).

1 0
Mar 5 Jul, 2016, 5:56 am
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