Jeu 9 Mai, 2024, 11:32 pm
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this is Patrizia from Italy; i 'm going to spend a week in March in Lofoten doing hikes with snowshoes:is does anyone know a web site where i could get information about the snow conditions and about the danger of avalanches?There's a telephone number in case of accident for rescue?

It would be very important for our hikes.

Thanks a lot

1 0
Mer 30 Sep, 2015, 1:39 pm

Hei Patrizia,

To help you, you will find the following links :

Quantity of snow in different places in Norway (unfortunately nothing about Lofoten islands) -

Avalanches forcast for Norway -

Avalanches forcast in the Lofoten and the Vestralen -

One thing you should never forget is that avalanches can happen anywhere and at any time. So in addition to look at the avalanches forcast web links I send you you must always be careful with topography and relief of the terrain. In clear words, dont venture in places surounded by steep slopes where there is snow on the mountains. In winter rockfall are also frequent when the icy soil is warming up.

For emergency:

113 Medical Emergency

112 Police

Be Careful and have a nice trip ;-)

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am
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