Jeu 2 Mai, 2024, 9:06 am
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Hello All!

I have made several trips to Lofoten islands over the last years. Many thanks to this site which has helped me to see so much more beautiful places than I would otherwise do. I have made a small movie about Lofoten based on the footage I shot during my travels, and I wanted to share it with everyone. It was sure fun to make it, from shooting to editing to composing the music. Hope that you will enjoy it!



Your movie is fantastic, and we will be happy to present it on Hiking-Lofoten home page if you allowed us to do so of course.

Hiking-Lofoten Team

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

Hi David!

I saw this message in my email and replied to it there, it looks like this was a wrong way to reply. :-/ So just in case, I have no objections to placing this vid on the home page, in fact I would be honoured and delighted if more Lofoten fans watched it.

BTW, Vimeo has a slightly improved version, so I would suggest to use it instead of the youtube one.



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