Mar 30 Avr, 2024, 6:42 am
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Hi - I am interested in hiking Veinestinden in the coming days. I do not have a GPS, but is there cell phone signal on the track? I have read over the guide in detail along and have studied the directions in Google Maps, so I will be familiar with the trail before I hike, but it would be nice to have Google Maps available during the hike.

Thank you.

3 0
Sam 25 Mai, 2019, 3:25 pm


Veinestinden is in deed a very good choice when the weather is clear and sunny. You should have signal with you cell phone on most of the track, excepted maybe on the way up from Dupfjord bottom to the plateau of Veinestinden. But since we wrote that walk many people have gone up there and there is quite a clear path now so you should not have to much problem. Be careful if the soil is wet, specially when going up the first part after the cabin in Dupfjord.

Have a nice trip

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

Great, thank you - that info is very helpful. One last question - do you know if there is still snow up there?

3 0
Sam 25 Mai, 2019, 3:25 pm
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