Dim 5 Mai, 2024, 4:52 am
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We are planning a hike from south to north in the summer. We will go from Moskenes to Svolvaer. I found information and prices for the ferry Bodo - Moskenes, but there are problems with the ferry Svolvaer - Bodo. The only one that found this ferry at 6 am, the cost of 777 kroons. Maybe I searched badly and there are others? Or is this the only option? Thank you. And sorry for using google translator :)

1 0
Sam 12 Nov, 2022, 6:03 pm


The summer schedule is not online yet, the winter schedule is, but it is only valid until the end of May, see here:


Usually there are about 5 or 6 ferries everyday in summer time (from June). You can check again in April or May, then the summer schedules will be online normally.

The price depends on if you cross the fjord with a car, or as a normal passenger (without a vehicle).

Last year the ferry from Bodø to Moskenes was free for passengers without a car, but if you go online now, the price seams to be 225NOK (22€) for a full price ticket.

A normal car (not electric) + 1 driver seems to be 979NOK in 2023.

Hope this answers your question a little bit.

Enjoy your trip to the Lofotens this summer :)


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Mar 16 Avr, 2013, 12:24 pm
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