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 Mi,1 Mai 2024, 2:40 am
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Hi, everybody. I am from Ukraine and I am planning to visit Lofotens this summer (for about 12 days thith backpack). 90% of routes I took from this site ( is the best sourse for planning my trip). But i still have some questions. It would be awesome if somebody could give me some information.

1. Is it possible to walk from Vindstad to Kirkefjord thithout climbing gear?

2 Is it possible to walk from Narvtinden to Fageraskaret thithout climbing gear?

Thanks a lot.

3 0
So,18 Mär 2018, 7:44 pm


Both answer are No.

Many people have asked about the possibilities of walking from Vindstad to Kirkfjord to avoid the boat. Although it is technically possible you would need ropes and special gears and the terrain you will cross is very dangerous because of many rock fall areas.

For the second part it is (at my knowledge) impossible to walk from Narvtinden to Fageråskaret. The ridge line between Narvtinden and Middagstinden (516) is to narrow and in some places it leave place to big cliffs, especially after the place call "Daumanns dalen". It is also impossible to walk along the north side of "Solbjornvatnet" lake because it is only steep cliffs.

But for this part (Narvtinden to Fageråskaret) if you really want to walk it is possible to go on the south side of the lake (Klokktindryggen and Forsdalen). Although this side is not easy, (there is no path at all) it is possible to walk there without climbing gears. you can find part of the GPX track here.

Have a safe trip to the Lofoten

309 0
Fr,3 Mai 2013, 5:06 am

Thanks a lot for You answer. It was useful. It is pity because I dont have enough time to climb Narvtinden from another side. The idea was to leave my backpack on Tverrfjellet or near and climb Narvtinden radially. So:

1. Can I climb Middagstinden from Tverrfjellet?

2. Can I climb Segtinden this way (starting from another side of the pass 294.4)?

3. In Your appinion is it safety to leave my backpack inside my tent and go for a walk? Because in my country it is quite risky. It can be stolen.

3 0
So,18 Mär 2018, 7:44 pm


1. Can I climb Middagstinden from Tverrfjellet?

Possibly yes but I have not try it (by going down on the left side (south-est) between Tverfjellet and Nonstinden). I think it is technically possible but there is no trail there.

2. Can I climb Segtinden this way (starting from another side of the pass 294.4)?

Yes the path you show on the map is possible although there is not trail there but it is possible and not dangerous.

3. In Your opinion is it safety to leave my backpack inside my tent and go for a walk? Because in my country it is quite risky. It can be stolen.

Yes it is safe to do so in the Lofoten, I always do this and nothing has happen to me yet ;-) There are very few people in the mountain and they are very respectful.

309 0
Fr,3 Mai 2013, 5:06 am

Thanks a lot, David. This information means a good news for me.

3 0
So,18 Mär 2018, 7:44 pm

Is it possible to go without special equipment from Austerdalen to Lake Solbjornvatnet?

2 0
So,23 Jun 2019, 10:30 am

Yes it is, there is a small path with no special difficulties. It is going around the lake which can be tricky.

Have a nice trek in the Lofoten

309 0
Fr,3 Mai 2013, 5:06 am

Thank you for the answer. We want to go to the water-walking Lofoten route using inflatable boat (packraft). Could you please advise some interesting, wild and beautiful routes taking into account moving on the lakes and fjord, without access to the open sea. Thank you a lot! :)

2 0
So,23 Jun 2019, 10:30 am
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